Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thanks for the wonderful journey back to Malaysia

Thank God for the wonderful journey back to Kuching, Penang, and dropped by Singapore. Although the journey was a bit tired as we needed to meet up a lot of people and settled a lot of documentation, but we did enjoy the time with our family and friends.
Thank God for helping us in a lot of documentation that we needed to complete during that period such as renewing passport, renewing driving liciense, income tax....
Thank God for preparing different people in our trip that such as Duan Yee family from Singapore, VIctoria, Chin Daw church's friends, a friend that help us to look for taxi in Penang, and our family members. May God bless them for being kind to us.
Coming back to Phnom Penh, soaked in an extremely hot n dry season now. This period is the end of Hot season n the beginning of raining season... This year is much much hotter than before... my shirt got wet (by sweat) several times a day. Please pray that we are healthy to endure with the hot weather.
For the work, get into busyness again. Sk attended a short biblical course these few days (Wed and Thurs) in Methodist Bible School here. So bw chose to stay back n help in teaching his classes. Thank God that He gave enough wisdom and strength for her to conduct all the 4 classes for these few days.
As a result of the course, sk seems to gain some new insights about the relationship with God. Everyday, he came back and shared with bw. As we are going to complete our mission term next year. Pls pray for us that God opens our eyes and shows His plan for us for the next few years.
Thanks for be with us all these while. May God bless you n your family...

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